Coronavirus Rapid Test – Antigen & PCR
Laboratory results on the same day or after a working day
Antibody tests serve as the basis for answering the question of whether an infection has occurred. In the pandemic year 2020, the main thing is to be clear about SARS-CoV-2 infections.
The Panbio ™ COVID-19 IgG / IgM rapid test provides the values for a diagnosis of a SARS-CoV-2 infection within 10 to 20 minutes.
We use the corona rapid test in our own laboratory at the International Medical Center in Frankfurt. The test results are considered preliminary, because negative test results do not rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection. Therefore, the test results must not be used as an exclusive basis for further decisions, especially not for the SARS-CoV-2 screening of blood donors.
Sampling (a tiny amount of 20 μL) is simply taken from the fingertip (medical term for finger pads).
Take a look at our short presentation of the Corona antibody rapid test (Abbott Laboratories)
Do you need an appointment for the Coronavirus rapid test?
Since the test result is available very quickly, you are usually spared long waiting times.
Just give us a call during the practice hours: Hotline 069-273 166 511
Further information on COVID-19 on the website of the Robert Koch Institute
Thanks to a range of rapid tests and modern Point-of-Care-Diagnostik we are able to get fast results in the practice, for both urgent medical situations as well as for a range of infections.
Our in-house diagnostic capabilities provides us with the capabilities to start appropriate treatments immediately if necessary. This includes additional testing or immediate referrals to a specialist clinic.
To complement these capabilities, we also work with an external laboratory Frankfurter Labor. This can, if necessary, reliably provide us with all relevant blood results in emergency situations within hours and usually on the following day at the latest.
If you had a Saturday appointment, we normally get your results on the following Monday morning.
For Check-ups we will naturally tell you in advance what you have to pay attention to, depending on your circumstances.
Point-of-Care-Device Cobas H 232 (Roche Diagnostics)