Internal diagnosis

As internists we use the latest medical technology in our specialist centre

As important as it is to detect certain diseases by thorough anamnesis, extensive physical examination and a lot of experience even without technology, modern diagnostics is still indispensable.

In our specialist centre we offer the following examination methods, among others:

  • 12- channel – rest – ECG
  • Exercise ECG (recumbent ergometry)
  • Long term ECG (24 hours to 7 days)
  • Long term blood pressure measurement (24 hours to 7 days)
  • Ultrasound examinations of vessels, thoracic and abdominal organs (sonography):
    – Abdominal organs (abdominal aorta, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas, etc.)
    – Breast organs (lungs, heart, vessels near the heart)
    – Thyroid gland
    – Brain-guiding vessels (carotides) and vein compression sonography of the extremities
  • Dynamic stress echocardiography
  • Pulmonary Function Diagnostics
  • Outpatient sleep diagnostics