Arrange your appointment online here by email or phone 069 -2731665-0
For data protection reasons, please only send us email information that has to do with the time of your desired date. All other information (especially about illnesses) please give us on the phone or in person in the practice.
Please e-mail your request about a virus antibody test, SARS-CoV-2 antibody test (IgG / IgM) to – we will contact you with detailed information about the appointment.

International Medical Centre Frankfurt – Schillerstrasse 31, Frankfurt,
Entrance Taubenstrasse 1

Eschenheimer Turm
For your orientation – our Medical Centre is located in Frankfurt City at the upper end of Schillerstrasse. If you imagine you were the photographer of this picture, you would turn to the right and see the facility.
Arrival by Car
Arrival by car to the Schillerpassage car park (just a few meters from the Medical Centre)